
Thursday, 10 April 2025

Shadleyhax - Tsukamaki Services

God that sounds posh doesn't it. 'Tsukamaki Services'. Very official and stuff.


But it's true. I'm now in a position where I can work, and work positively.

It's bright, clean, I have privacy and surfaces and most importantly, it's a fresh start for me. I've sat back for enough time now, and it's now that I have to push forward with my skills.

I know a number of people have been in touch with me about this. From rewrapping, to reshaping and even a little polishing work and it's about timeI got back in the saddle.

Click here to Jump to the details page.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shadley,

    This sounds excellent and I have sent you a message via messenger if you think you could help.

    I too have a passion forJapan and have visited once and hope to return and loved judo as a boy but the world of Katana sounds fascinating and best of luck with your enterprise.


